Healing Through Past Life Regression

Let’s go see what ancient Egypt was like! Hey! I want to see Greece at the time the Acropolis was built! What about visiting the Mayans and Tikal?Nope. Not even close to what past life regression is about and how it is used. It is a very effective healing modality, not a tourist visa to ancient history. There are also a lot of myths about it in addition to facts on its use.What it is, is a very effective mode of therapy.  Past life regression is a very exciting therapeutic technique that can lead to significant transformations in how you view yourself and the world. People often come away from it with a greater realization of the eternal nature of their being, their connection to others, and a closer experience of the love-filled energy that underlies all life.Past life regression therapy is based upon the premise that we are eternal beings. We have lived numerous lives on the human plane and carry forward learning and experiences from one lifetime to another.  Therefore, as eternal spirits, we experience physical life on Earth in a series of human bodies and associated personalities.  On a soul level, we choose each life circumstance as a means of challenging ourselves with new situations and opportunities for learning.Whether you believe in multiple lifetimes or not is really irrelevant. The therapy can still help anyone. In this case of nonbelief, the stories elicited by this therapeutic approach serve as marvelous symbolic metaphors for the issues and situations being faced in the present time.  Whether uncovering real past lives or not, past life regression has helped many people resolve issues and get past stuck points that were resistant to other therapeutic approaches.  In addition, it’s a fascinating way to experience other aspects of the self and personality.Past life regression is an effective technique that uses hypnosis at its central core to access the subconscious information. It is particularly effective on phobias: those deep fears that seem to have no logical basis for their existence within you. Patients, when taken back to a young age, and even further back to another lifetime, are able to examine the experiences that seemed to have formed the roots of their current fears and phobias. If you can connect your current fears to a past life experience, those fears will often disappear.Trauma and issues from the past, even our childhood, can be reactivated by events in our current life without our conscious awareness. We might react to people and situations in ways that seem counter-productive. We have a problem that we can’t seem to resolve no matter what we try. It may be because the problem is actually rooted in dynamics set up at a young age or in prior personalities and lifetimes.In past life therapy clients move backward to the time and place where the original activating event occurred. This can be achieved through hypnosis, guided imagery, or other states of deep relaxation where memories that are normally unconscious can be accessed. Similar techniques are often used to access early childhood memories from the current lifetime that may be underlying present day problems and issues. By bringing these memories into conscious awareness, we can release or diffuse the energy and emotional blockages that keep us stuck.Typically, the therapist guides the client through the significant events of the lifetime, through the death experience, and then a life review. This is where the purpose of that lifetime, the lessons learned, and decisions made are examined from a higher, spiritual perspective. We particularly look at what is most important about that prior life in terms of the client’s current personality and situation.Re-experiencing the key events of a past life and reprocessing the impact helps to bring closure to the events of that lifetime. This enables us to move forward more freely in the present. The process is similar to conventional therapy: we trace issues to their origin, reprocess the experience, emotions, and decisions made, and find completion. Past life regression work merely extends the time frame further into the past for the deeper origins of issues.