Our Irrepressible Quest for Love

Soulmate connections.The quest for love and that perfect mate is a part of human nature. More often than not, it really is a challenge to do. We romanticize relationships and connections want to believe a relationship is the ultimate deep connection, as I have found in my Walnut Creek Psychic practice.There are different types of romantic relationships: twin flames, companion soulmates, true soulmates and karmic connections. All relate to the global term we throw around, called “soulmates.” Each one is spiritually equal to the others, but hold something different for everyone.   It is highly individualized. Therefore, you may have someone you know going through similar relationship experiences as you, but it doesn’t mean it’s the same type of spiritual connection. This is because karma has something different for everyone.Our romantic notions of what these relationships are and represent, are not what they really are.  The media also does us a disservice in presenting highly romanticized ideas about soulmates. Yes, there are soulmates, twin flames, karmic connections and whatever else you want to call them.  And, there are also SOULMATE CONNECTIONS. In believing that everything happens for a reason, know that some of the people that come into our lives are merely there for a short time, others a long time.We have many soulmates that cross our journey.  Some are friends, some are romantic relationships, some are colleagues and business partners.  We Each agree to what we are to do together here, before we enter this lifetime.  For the most part, we are to meet with them and move along our spiritual path together for reasons that pertain solely to us, who we are and our purpose.  This time together can be short or lifelong.Often times, they can also be traumatic, especially if one of the partners decides they do not want to fulfill their agreement with you.  Thus, the relationship undergoes a split.  One is willing and the other, due to life influences, bolts.  Earthly influences such as fear trumps love in these instances.  This is what is called “free will.”  No one is left off the hook, however; the one that changes their mind has new, additional karmic issues to resolve.By understanding a little bit about these relationships, we can deal with our extreme emotions that spiritually get charged with these types of connections. And, at any time, you can book an appointment since I am a Bay Area Psychic and we can chat about your relationship in depth.