Spring Cleaning Your Spirit

Spring is a time of refreshing renewal. Clean breezes purify the air and warm golden sunlight washes away winter grays, lifting your mood and energizing you and you’re home. As you arm yourself with the latest cleaners to spiff up your home, it’s also time to attend to your personal spring cleaning, too. When you recognize what doesn’t work for you anymore (aka “serve” you), sweep it away with the winter dust!How do you decide what no longer serves a positive function in your life? The answer can be simple: does it feel good, easy and fun or not? Consider some soulful spring cleaning exercises and considerations.1. Enhance your perceptions. Our connection to spirit grows as we sharpen our five senses. Listen to beautiful music or meditations. Fill a personal space with colorful cut flowers. Assemble delightfully tactile objects such feather, silk, or exotic lotion. Sit in a quiet spot and handle them, fully sensing textures, fully enjoying contours. Savor gourmet food or beverages. Sample the scents of premier essential oils.2. Dust off your relationships. Analyze relationships that are causing stress. Determine, with your intuition or with professional help, whether you can repair issues of concern. If so, renew your commitment and clean up old baggage. If it becomes apparent repairs are not possible, muster up strength to let go. No excuses.3. Kill the weeds in your spiritual garden. Analyze your own attitudes and behaviors. Want to grow in spirit? Pull out negative thoughts and discard. Pluck out pettiness, cultivate generosity, grow a positive outlook. Take a good look at how you see your world and be sure you allow yourself to grow spiritually strong.When you clean up once a year like this you can really enjoy the things that are worthwhile in your life. You can once again receive strength from what you do each and every day. Simple steps like these open the windows of your heart, mind, and spirit. It airs out guilt, resentment, criticism, and intolerance. It brings in a fresh rebirth of blessed and golden thoughts toward yourself and toward others.We are here on this plain for such a short while, and then we move on. Airing out our spiritual house allows us to embrace so much that is here for our enrichment. If you embrace the wonder and beauty of spring and make yourself a part of the timeless renewal, your world will shine a little brighter and your soul will flourish.