Making Changes

Have You Been Triggered?

The phone rings. A friend is on the other end, angry with you. You never saw it coming. She lets you have it. She hid behind the mouthpiece on the phone to spew her venom.  Another friend texts you in the stealth of the night, with a vapid diatribe, as to why you ruined his […]

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Did You Forget Compassion?

I’m never letting them do that again to me!I’m setting boundaries!I’m done with them!When people around you behave like temper tantrum throwing toddlers, you want it to stop immediately.I don’t blame you for feeling that way! It’s uncomfortable. It’s not fun. And, it’s hurtful because they make you the target of their angst. Their emotions

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Breaking Through Your Breakthroughs

You just had a major spiritual breakthrough. Things have become clear. You may have been on a special journey, seminar or day event. You saw things. You felt things. You experienced things.Now, back home and at work, you are upset, angry and resentful. You hate your life. You are tired and sad. Crying seems uncontrollable.It’s

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Changing Your Life Instantly

You are a radiant being of light. More than likely, you have heard that time and time again. Chances are, you have not taken the time to understand the significance of it. Perhaps, you have ignored it, especially when life gets challenging. If you take the time to pay attention to this simple, easy, and

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Is Your Coworker Undermining You?

Cattiness.Gossip.Childish competition.Jealousy.If you think it is happening around you in the workplace, it probably is. Human behavior is such that work environments are going to have all levels of maturity in them. Coworkers, unfortunately, spend a great deal of time not supporting each other. Sometimes, they actively undermine each other intentionally.It is not the fact

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Spring Cleaning Your Spirit

Spring is a time of refreshing renewal. Clean breezes purify the air and warm golden sunlight washes away winter grays, lifting your mood and energizing you and you’re home. As you arm yourself with the latest cleaners to spiff up your home, it’s also time to attend to your personal spring cleaning, too. When you

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Why Is This So Hard?

There are many situations in life where we just want to run outside, throw our arms into the air, look up and scream, “Why is it so hard? Why does it hurt so much?”Well, it does not have to be this way, especially if you understand energy.We are all energy. And, not only are we

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