X-Ray Your Relationship

psychic walnut creek caHow does he feel about me?Where is this going?Is this worth it?Will he change? Is she going to get it? No. Most of the time the answer is, “No.”When things are uncertain or seem incomprehensible, it’s time to look inside yourself.  It’s time to x-ray your relationship so you can understand your part in it, what’s happening, and how you can adjust yourself to the circumstances.  It is never about them and the x-ray process is effective because of the way it zooms in on you.Here are 10 quick questions to x-ray on your current relationship.  On a scale of 1 to 10, (one being the lowest, ten being the highest) rate each one of the questions below.  Then add up your score and view your x-ray results.

  1. Are you happy with the communication?
  2. Do you both share the communication initiation equally?
  3. Can you open up discussion subjects on anything?
  4. When you ask for a change to be made, are you listened to?
  5. Are your feelings discounted or dismissed in times of conflict?
  6. Do you feel they can talk to you about anything?
  7. Do both of you share feelings and emotions in an open, conversational manner?
  8. Do you know where you emotionally stand with your partner?
  9. Do you know if this is a long term relationship?
  10. Are you happy in this relationship?


  • 0-30 points:                        seriously reconsider this relationship.
  • 40-60 points:                      some professional help and guidance can improve things tremendously.
  • 70-100 points:                    kudos!  Keep going!

 The answers indicate where you think you stand in your relationship and its communication arena.  Actually, it does not matter where you are, it matters where you think you are.  That is the point where you can assess how to improve things, or whether it is worth doing the work to improve things. Again, it’s about you, how you feel and what you think you are receiving.  If it feels less-than-good, it is time to make a change for yourself!Yes, sometimes you really need relationship questions to find out how well you know your wife, husband, boyfriend or girlfriend and yourself.  Even if you’ve been with that special someone for many years, good love questions might surprise you with how much you don’t know.  Learning about your lover is a lifelong process, and every romantic relationship can benefit from greater communication and familiarity that a love test can bring.