Changing The Dating Dead End: Time for a Tune Up

How long have you been searching for your soulmate?  How long have you been out there meeting people while looking for that fabulous relationship? How many psychic readings have you had over the years that said Mr. Right is just a few months away and he is still not here?Many of us feel like we

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Are Office Relationships Losing Their Stigma?

Do you mix business with pleasure?  Are you thinking about it? Or, perhaps you know someone who is?Approaching the topic of mixing business and pleasure is like approaching the final taboo. Office relationships have traditionally been off-limits. But is that taboo starting to fall away? Are companies starting to turn a blind eye, even expect

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Smoothing Over the Bumps in Your Relationship

Understanding Important Differences between Men & WomenHas your partner ever said something that made you stop and wonder if they just landed from Pluto?  You are not alone!I’ve recently been reading that researchers’ first big news lately is that what women want today and tomorrow is driven primarily by ancient DNA from their female ancestors

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