Developing Your Psychic Abilities

Do you think you have psychic abilities?  I think we all do. I think it’s, ironically, part of being human.  Part of our human experience is that we all have abilities in the spiritual realm. It’s not a matter of “if we do” it’s a matter of “are you going to listen to them and

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X-Ray Your Relationship

How does he feel about me?Where is this going?Is this worth it?Will he change? Is she going to get it? No. Most of the time the answer is, “No.”When things are uncertain or seem incomprehensible, it’s time to look inside yourself.  It’s time to x-ray your relationship so you can understand your part in it,

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Reiki Bay Area

Reiki in the Bay Area has been proven time and time again to be real and effective. In fact, there’s a growing number of doctors who are recommending it to their patients so they can heal a lot faster. However, some still label it a hoax or even a scam for the simple reason that

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Bay Area Psychic

Mention the word psychic in the Bay Area to anyone, and more often than not, you’ll receive some raised eyebrows and hushed whispers. Over the years, it has been associated to nasty terms such as “loony” and “scam” that most are already skeptical of it. But here’s the truth no one can escape: we are

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Releasing Your Ex

“How come I keep attracting the same kind of guys?”“How come I keep getting these losers?”“Why are they all alike?”There are patterns we repeat time and time again: the type of jobs we land, the friends we have and the people we attract in relationships. We usually think something is wrong with us in that

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